Oregon jihad training camp showed “how to properly slice someone’s throat”

By: American Decency Staff

This is in America. This is on a ranch in rural Oregon. A Muslim holding a dagger with a curved blade yanked back the head of a kneeling young man and brought the metal to his neck. “He said he was going to show us how to properly slice someone’s throat,” the kneeling man’s sister testified Thursday as prosecutors began presenting their case against an Egyptian-born imam known as Abu Hamza Masri, the latest terrorism case to unfold in a New York federal court.

Where are the outraged moderate Muslims protesting the “misunderstanding” of Abu Hamza? Where are terror-tied groups like CAIR and ICNA and ISNA? Silent. Their silence is sanction. They know.

There are scores of these Muslim camps across America. Preparing.

Oregon jihad training camp showed “how to properly slice someone’s throat”  (thanks to Robert Spencer)

– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/04/oregon-jihad-training-camp-showed-properly-slice-someones-throat.html/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter#sthash.RYPKS4jb.dpuf

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